Herpes Simplex
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- Herpes simplex virus (HSV)
- Primary infection usually occurs 2–12 days after introduction of infectious secretions into the oral cavity (Type 1) or genital area (Type 2)
Signs and symptoms
Type 1
- Located on the mouth and lips
- Cluster of small painful vesicles, which could be single or multiple
- Vesicles begin on the buccal or gingival mucosa or tongue
- Vesicles rupture leaving ulcers
- Painful oral lesions and foul breath
- Fever
Type 2
- Located on the buttocks, perineum, scrotum, vulva, and penis, and rarely in the rectum
- Tender vesicular lesions in the genital area
- Vesicles ulcerate and are covered with greyish-white exudates
- Refer to HIV clinic