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This is the progression of the inflammation of gingival into the deep tissue affecting the periodontal  membrane causing periodontal pockets, introduction of infection and destruction of periodontium. 

Clinical presentation 

  • Reddened, swollen gingiva
  • Easily  bleeding  gingival  on  gently probing
  • Periodontal pocket
  • Loose/mobile teeth
  • Bad breath from the mouth
  • Gingival recession


Orthopantomography (OPG) to determine extent of bone loss

Non-pharmacological Treatment 

  • Instruct and guide the patients on proper oral hygiene for proper plaque control.  Plaque control by scaling and root planning. 

Pharmacological Treatment 

Mouth wash: Do not swallow 

A: hydrogen peroxide (PO) 3% 6hourly for at least for 5days 


B: chlorhexidine gluconate (PO) 0.1% 12hourly at least for 5days 


Use antibiotics only in severe cases 

A: metronidazole (PO) 400mg 8hourly for 8days 


A: amoxicillin (PO) 500mg 8hourly for 8 days 


A: doxycycline (PO) 100mg 12hourly for 10days