Uganda Guidelines

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Uganda National Guideline

Collection of guidelines and resources available on the Uganda Ministry of Health website, these materials are regularly updated based on new scientific findings as the pandemic evolves

Link to the Uganda Ministry of Health guidelines on COVID-19

Sections available include:
  1. COVID-19 outbreak situation
  2. About Coronavirus
  3. Information for the public on symptoms of COVID
  4. IEC resources
  5. National guidelines for quarantine
  6. Guidelines for the use of masks
  7. Videos and Graphics
  8. FAQs

The Pharmaceutical Society of Uganda: COVID-19 Information

COVID-19 information available on the Pharmaceutical Society of Uganda website, these materials are regularly updated based on new scientific findings as the pandemic evolves

Link to the Pharmaceutical Society of Uganda COVID-19 website

Outline of sections available:
  1. What is coronavirus?
  2. How coronaviruses spread
  3. The incubation period of coronavirus
  4. The must know about coronavirus
  5. Treatment
  6. Key message from PSU Council

Uganda Medical Association Resource

COVID-19 information available on the Uganda Medical Association website, these materials are regularly updated based on new scientific findings as the pandemic evolves

Link to the Uganda Medical Association COVID-19 website

Outline of sections available:
  1. Message from the U.M.A president on COVID-19 pandemic in Uganda
  2. Are we prepared for the novel CORONA VIRUS disease?
  3. Our duty to stand up and give these HEROES the support they need