Immunisation Details For Available Vaccines

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  • Always check the dosage instructions in the manufacturer's information supplied with the vaccine as strengths may
  • In the event of a measles epidemic, children aged 6 months up to 14 years may be vaccinated with an extra dose of measles, depending on the epidemiological picture, irrespective of the previous measles vaccination status. However routine doses at 9 months and 18 months should be given as per schedule after the campaign dose.
  • The minimum interval for Hepatitis B2 and Hepatitis B3 is 5 months, if given as a monovalent dose.
  • For premature infants, vaccination should follow the standard schedule (according to age since birth)

Interval Between Multi-Doses Of The Same Antigen

  • The minimum interval between doses is 28 days.
  • If a dose of an antigen is delayed, vaccinations on the next attendance should be continued as if the usual interval had elapsed (i.e. 4 weeks have elapsed). All the EPI antigens are safe and effective when administered simultaneously i.e. during the same vaccination session but on different Pentavalent, Pneumococcal Rotavirus, IPV and OPV are given simultaneously.
  • If a vaccine dose is given at less than the recommended 28 days interval, it should not be counted as a valid dose and therefore should be repeated at the appropriate interval of 28 days from the previous dose. This applies to vaccines given during campaigns such as child health days, national immunisation days or in reaction to outbreaks of vaccine preventable diseases.

Hospital Policy on Immunisation

  • To reduce nosocomial transmission, Measles vaccine should be given on admission to all children six months to 15 years. This admission dose must be recorded on the graph side of the child health card corresponding with the age at which it was given and written vertically. If the child is 9 months and receives the first dose on admission this is charted on the appropriate section of the card.
  • Health workers should ascertain the vaccination status for all admitted children including those without a child health card and give the appropriate antigens.
  • Children who are very ill on admission should be vaccinated as soon as their condition has improved.