Sickle Cell Anaemia

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Medicine  Adult Dose Frequency  Duration 
folic acid po 5mg once a day for life
penicillin V po 250mg once a day for life 

For malaria prophylaxis in endemic areas:

pyrimethamine/ dapsone po

One Tablet


once a week continual

In painful crisis, intravenous rehydration, regular and adequate analgesia, oxygen by mask where available and possibly in some cases antibiotics are required.

Morphine is necessary to control severe pain. Weaker opiates (codeine) or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (e.g. aspirin) may be used for less severe pain. See chapter on Pain in main Zimbabwe STG.

Antibiotic therapy


Adult Dose



amoxicillin po


3 times a day

5 days

Other antibiotics may be required according to site of infection/causative organism.

Osteomyelitis: see section on Septic Arthritis and Osteomyelitis

Other types of crises:

In aplastic and haemolytic crisis, red cell transfusion may be required to treat anaemic heart failure. Sequestration or splenic pooling requires splenic massage and less often, blood transfusion.

Note that over transfusion worsens the sickling crisis and may cause iron overload. Special precautions must be taken during anaesthetizing sickle cell disease patients. Adequate hydration and oxygen exposure are essential to avoid red cell sickling.

Avoid debridement of leg ulcers as these are due to poor circulation rather than mere dead tissue.

Treat priapism conservatively with hydration and analgesia before resorting to surgery.

Patients with frequent crises need to be started on hydroxy urea where possible, refer to provincial or central hospital. The objective is to increase the HbF to at least 20%, levels which do not lead to haemolysis.


Adult Dose



hydroxyurea po


once a day


Note: Use hydroxyurea 500 mgs daily indefinitely , titrate against HbF. Monitor white cell and platelets counts.

Sickle cell trait requires no treatment, and does not cause anaemia.