Other Genital Infections

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Inflammation of the glans penis


  • Usually caused by Candida, rarely by Trichomonas

Clinical features

  • Discharge, erythema, erosions
  • Prepuce is retractable


  • Fluconazole 200 mg stat
  • Plus metronidazole 400 mg every 12 hours for 7 days
  • Advise on hygiene and circumcision

If not better:

  • Treat partner

Painful Scrotal Swelling

Inflammation of epididymis and testis


  • Usually caused by gonorrhoea, Chlamydia

Clinical features

  • Acute painful and tender unilateral swelling of epididymus and testis, with or without urethral discharge

Differential diagnosis

  • Acute testicular torsion
  • Scrotal hernia, tumors


Treat as per urethral discharge protocol