Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE)
exp date isn't null, but text field is
ICD10 CODES: 70.41, 71.11, 72.11, 72.91
Hepatic encephalopathy is a syndrome of neuropsychiatric symptoms and signs, including coma, observed in patients with cirrhosis. It is probably due to the accumulation of toxins in the blood.
Clinical features
- Grade 0: Subclinical – personality changes, construction apraxia (inability or difficulty to build, assemble, or draw objects)
- Grade I: Confusion, flap tremor
- Grade II: Drowsy
- Grade III: Stuporous
- Grade IV: Coma
- Encephalopathy may be aggravated by surgery, parencentsis, excessive diuretics, sedatives, and opioid analgesics
- Management involves addressing the pathophysiological mechanisms related to brain, gut and liver
Treatment | LOC |
If referral delays
RR |