Short-term hormonal contraceptives
Before initiating hormonal contraceptives:
- Check blood pressure
- Perform vaginal examination (to check normal size of uterus)
- Check for contraindications like deep vein thrombosis
Follow up:
- Instruct women always to inform the doctor or nurse that they are on contraceptives while attending clinic or hospital.
- Women on oral contraceptives need regular physical check-ups including blood pressure measurement every six months
- Need to withdraw Contraceptives in:
- Pregnancy
- Severe headaches especially associated with visual disturbances
- Numbness or paresis of extremities
- Unexplained chest pain or shortness of breath
- Severe leg pains etc
- Deep vein thrombosis.
The recommended short-term hormonal contraceptives are:
A: ethinyloestradiol+norgestrel (FDC) (PO) 0.03mg/0.3mg 24hourly
A: ethinyloestradiol+levonogestrel (FDC) (PO) 0.03mg/0.15mg 24hourly
A: ethinyloestradiol+desogestrell (FDC) (PO) 0.03mg/0.15mg) 24hourly
A: medroxyprogesterone acetate (IM) 150mg every three months
A: levonorgestrel (PO).0.03mg 24hourly
Note: Take the first pill on the 5th day of menstruation and then continue every day without any interruptions
Check blood sugar and hypertension after every 6 months
Avoid use in women with severe hypertension and women without proven fertility