Management of Pediatric CSF Shunt Infections
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Clinical presentation
- CSF leak, purulence, skin erosion,
- Fever, meningismus, erythema,
- exposed or protruding hardware
Lab investigations
- CSF analysis, C/S
- Blood C/S
Pharmacological management
Initiate empirical antibiotic treatment
C: amoxicillin +clavulanate (FDC) (IV) 12hourly for 2weeks
D: ceftriaxone+sulbactam (FDC) (IV) 100mg/kg 12hourly for 2weeks
B: metronidazole (IV) 7.5mg/kg/day 8hourly for 2weeks
Alternative regimen based on C/S results
S: piperacillin+tazobactam (FDC) (IV) 300mg/kg/day (of piperacillin component) divided in 4 doses per day
S: meropenem (IV )10mg/kg 8 hourly, (may increase up to 40mg/kg) for 10-14days
Shift to organism’s specific regimen after CSF/hardware culture results
For confirmed Staph spp. infections add
S: vancomycin (IV) 10mg/kg 6hourly for 2weeks or more.
Non-pharmacological management
- Consider partial (externalization) or complete infected shunt hardware removal.
- Insert External ventricular drain (EVD) as interim measure for intracranial pressure monitoring and therapeutic diversion of CSF in the setting where an infected internal shunt device has been removed.