Treatment of Tuberculosis in Special Cases

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Treatment of TB/HIV co-infected patients 

Consideration is needed when handling a patient with TB/HIV co-infection.

Table 7.7 Special considerations for ART in TB/HIV co-infected patients 

Start ART for all TB patients living with HIV irrespective of CD4 counts

Treat TB first and start ART as soon as possible,  preferably within two weeks of initiating treatment  

Already on ART at TB diagnosis  

Refer to HIV and AIDS chapter   

Also, the following shall be considered in treatment of TB patients: 


Anti-TB is safe during pregnancy and breast feeding. 

TB Prevention: 

TPT is offered to: 

  • Under 5 household contacts of bacteriologically confirmed PTB cases who have no active TB. 
  • All PLHIV who have no active TB. 


In adult and adolescent  

A: isoniazid (PO) 300mg 24hourly for 6months to complete one cycle of TPT  

In children 

A: isoniazid (PO) 10mg/kg (10-15 mg/kg) 24hourly for 6months.  


  • TPT should only be given in one cycle in lifetime and no repeat cycle is needed. 
  • People  living  with  HIV  who  successfully  completed  their  TB  treatment  should  immediately receive TPT for six months.  
  • In case of neuropathy due to INH, Pyridoxine should be used for treatment of neuropathy.  
  • TB  Preventive  Therapy  is  not  contraindicated  in  pregnancy  and  it  can  be  given  during  any trimester. 

Breast  feeding:  In  the  mothers  with  pulmonary  tuberculosis,  the  baby  should  receive  INH  preventive (5mg/kg) for 6 months followed by BCG vaccination.   

Oral contraceptives: Rifampicin interacts with oral contraceptives and reduces the efficacy of this contraception.  

Liver  disease:  Most  anti-TB  medicines  can  cause  liver  damage.  In  case  a  patient  develops  jaundice, treatment should be stopped and restarted as soon as the jaundice resolves. In severely ill  patients, start moxifloxacin and ethambutol only.  

Renal  failure: Ethambutol is excreted by the kidneys and should either be avoided or given in a reduced dose.