Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus

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Occurs when Varicella zoster reactivates in the trigeminal ganglion and passes down the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve


  • Varicella zoster virus

Signs and symptoms

  • Painful vesicular rash in the trigeminal nerve dermatomes
  • Some patients develop conjunctivitis, keratitis, uveitis, retinitis and cranial nerve involvement (oculomotor and optic nerve)
  • Later: chronic ocular inflammation, loss of vision, post-herpetic neuralgia


  • HIV Testing

Pharmacological treatment

Acyclovir oral

800mg every 4 hours for 7-10 days


Amitriptyline oral

25mg at night for 3 months

If contraindicated select an appropriate alternative


-          Antiviral treatment with acyclovir should be initiated within 3 days from the onset of symptoms

-          HIV infected patients should be treated with anti-HIV medicines in addition to acyclovir

Refer to ophthalmologist for specialist care