Lung Abscess
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- Defined as necrosis of the lung parenchyma, usually caused by microbial infection, often with an air-fluid level.
- May be classified as acute (symptoms < 1month) or chronic (symptoms > 1month).
- May also be classified as primary if it occurs in a previously healthy person or in a person prone to aspiration.
- Secondary lung abscess commonly occurs in association with bronchogenic carcinoma or immunodeficiency states e.g. HIV infection.
Lung abscess may be associated with the following
- Pyogenic bacteria
- Tuberculosis
- Fungi
- Parasites
- Pulmonary infarction
- Primary or metastatic malignancies
- Silicosis
- Coal miner’s pneumoconiosis
Clinical features
Symptoms are indolent lasting several weeks:
- Cough, with purulent offensive sputum
- Fever, chills
- Night sweats
- Weight loss
- Pleurtic chest pain
- Digital clubbing
- Crepitations
- Pleural friction rub
Differential diagnoses
- Localized bronchiectasis
- Pneumonia
- Tuberculosis
- Cerebral abscess
- Empyema
- Amyloidosis
- Sputum: Gram stain and culture
- Bronchoscopy
- Transthoracic aspiration
- Blood culture
- Chest radiograph
Treatment goals
- Eradicate bacterial cause
- Drain abscess
- Preserve normal lung function
Non-drug treatment
- Hydration
- Pain relief
- Physiotherapy
Drug treatment
Adult: 500mg orally every 8hours
neonate, initially 15mg/kg orally then 7.5mg/kg every 12 hours;
1 month – 12 years: 7.5 mg/kg (maximum 400mg) every 8 hours;
12 – 18years: 400mg every 8hours
Adult: 500mg orally every 8 hours for 7 – 10 days
less than 5 years: a quarter adult dose;
5 – 10years: half adult dose
Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid
Adult: 1g/200mg orally every 8hours for 7 – 10days
(Definitive antibiotic therapy should be based on culture and sensitivity results)
- Good dental care
- Adequate treatment of acute pneumonia
- Preventive with vaccination in person at risk
- HIV infected patients who are still capable of responding to a vaccine challenge.
- Patients with recurrent sinopulmonary infection
- Patients with or acquired hypogammaglobulinaemia