Chronic Otitis Media

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  • A chronic inflammatory condition of the middle ear mucosa associated with recurrent ear discharge, often over a period of years

EpidemiologyOccurs in two clinical varieties, with mixed bacteriology, usually gram- negative organisms (Proteus, Pseudomonas)

  • The more common simple type with a central eardrum perforation
  • The much less common, serious type often associated with the presence of cholesteatoma

Clinical features

  • Main complaints: recurrent ear discharge (mucoid in simple type; thick and foul-smelling in serious type) and increasing deafness
  • Pain is uncommon
  • Central eardrum perforation is of varying size may occur
  • Cholesteatoma and marginal or attic perforation is seen in the serious type


  • Intracranial suppuration (extradural abscess, meningitis, or brain abscess
  • Lateral sinus thrombosis
  • Facial nerve paralysis
  • Labyrinthitis


  • Ear swab for MCS
  • Audiogram: conductive deafness
  • X-ray of the mastoids: shows sclerosis
  • Hypopneumatization
  • CT Scan of Petromastoid: Axial, coronal views
  • MRI of the petromastoid

Treatment goals

  • To give the patient a safe and dry ear
  • To preserve or restore hearing as much as possible

Non-drug treatment

  • Careful ear toileting and regular ear dressing with an antiseptic pack
  • Myringoplasty to protect the middle ear and improve hearing in dry ears with persistent perforation
  • Mastoid operation when there is cholesteatoma unresponsive to Treatment

Drug treatment

  • Antibiotic - Co-amoxiclav
  • Adult: 500/125 mg orally every 8 hours for acute exacerbations up to 14 days
  • Child:
    • 6 - 12 years: 250 mg orally 12 hourly;
    • under 6 years: 125 mg 12 hourly

Refer to specialist if no improvement with following antibiotic treatment

Supportive measures

  • Protect ears from water with Vaseline/cotton wool while bathing


  • Do not use topical ototoxic antibiotics in the presence of perforation