Mouth Ulcers (Sores)

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This is a condition in which there is damage to the mucosal lining of the mouth, including the tongue. These are similar to ulcers due to the herpes simplex virus. They are painful and may occur singly or in groups. They frequently recur and can be very troublesome.


  • One or more painful sores on part of skin lining of the mouth
  • Swollen skin around the sore
  • Problems with eating and brushing due to tenderness
  • Irritation of the sores with by, spice or sour foods
  • Loss of appetite


  • Clinically diagnosed


  • Chlorhexidine gluconate 10-15ml as a mouthwash, kept in the mouth for about 30 seconds to 1 minute 12 hourly 0r 8 hourly daily dosage based on medical condition
    • Topical oral anesthesia (buccal paste)
    • Normal saline mouth washes /salty water rinse every 8 hours   until the condition clears
    • Can also use hydrogen peroxide followed by warm water rinse if there is an infection
  • If related to HIV infection, please refer to section on Management of the
  • HIV-Related Diseases,
  • All ulcers in the mouth regardless of the HIV- status, lasting more than three weeks, should be investigated for cancers.