Joint and Tendon Injuries

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Clinical Description

  • Usually due to sports injuries, road accidents, assault and occupational hazards
  • Classification
    • Dislocations\Fracture-dislocations\subluxations
    • Haemarthrosis: as a complication of severe injury or spontaneously in haemophilia
    • Ligamentous and tendon injuries: occur following twisting, traction or bending forces

Clinical Features


  • Pain, swelling, loss of function, deformity, crepitus (if there is an associated fracture) and neurovascular complications.
  • Commonly shoulder, hip, elbow and ankle.


  • Diagnosis is made after clinical examination and radiology.
  • Always look for neurovascular complications.


  • Treatment of dislocation should be urgent because of irreversible damage to cartilage and neurovascular structures; and to relive pain.
  • Urgent reduction and immobilization.
  • Check X−ray and refer if reduction is not congruent.
  • In children suspect epiphyseal/growth plate injuries and refer to surgeons
  • Period of immobilization is dependent on joint stability and associated injuries